Locations LLC presents   brokersMLS button

          "BrokersMLS.com"from MoreHawaii.com 

brokersMLS submittal form
       brokersMLS submittal form    


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                                 To access brokersMLS.com submit this form to your     
                            Locations LLC real estate professional ~James S. More (R) 
             Certified Residential Specialist and your "Instant Access" will be emailed


    a Buyer's Agency agreement will be required
     for extended use of brokersMLS.com after the 60-day trial period 


           for further information contact:
        James S. More  
          Realtor-certified residential specialist-direct line: (808) 732-5069

         email jim@MoreHawaii.com               Why settle for Less when you can have ...MORE

                  A Hawaii real estate company with "The Perceptible Difference"   
Locations LLC ~ 614 Kapahulu Ave. Suite 200~ Honolulu, Hawaii  96815        
                Locations LLC-real estate sales and research



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